Every visitor or user of the website “salamina.gr” shall, before visiting or using the pages, read and study carefully the terms of use as follows. In case of disagreement with any of them, he must not proceed to the use of this website; otherwise it is presumed that he/she explicitly and unconditionally accepts the mentioned terms. The following terms of use apply to the entire content of the website of the Municipality of Salamina.
The entire content of the website “salamina.gr”, including, but not limited to, texts, news, graphics, photos, blueprints, illustrations, services provided and generally any kind of files, is object of intellectual property rights and shall be governed by national, European and international Intellectual Property law, with the exception of explicitly recognized third party rights. Therefore, any reproduction, republishing, copying, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, download, translation, modification in any way, in part or in summary without the prior explicit and written consent of the beneficiary shall be explicitly prohibited.
Registered marks and names contained in this site are registered trademarks and are protected by the abovementioned Intellectual Property provisions.
As an exception, any part of the website’s content may be individually stored in or copied on a simple personal computer for strictly personal use, provided that there is no intention of commercial or other exploitation and that the origin of the part is indicated. This in no way means the concession of intellectual property rights. Any other registered trademark or intellectual property right of third parties featured in the website “salamina.gr” falls within their own sphere of responsibility and no relationship arises with the website “salamina.gr”.
By using the website “salamina.gr” the user explicitly and unconditionally agrees on, stipulates and accepts the following rules of operation:
a) messages about illegal software, penetrating software and those related to illegal acquisition of protected content are prohibited;
b) insulting messages, hate messages or racist messages or any other messages or content that may harm the personality, dignity or reputation of users or any other natural or legal person are prohibited;
c) any objections to interventions of the Administrators of the website “salamina.gr” shall be submitted to the Administrator by email at the e-mail address mail@0165.syzefxis.gov.gr and not publicly.
The visitor of the website “salamina.gr” shall comply with the current provisions of Greek, European and international law and the relevant legislation concerning the telecommunications. In addition, the visitor shall refrain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of this website. Any damage caused to the above website by the visitor/user due to misuse and improper use of the relevant services, falls solely within his/her own area of responsibility. In case of any administrative or judiciary claim or action, arising from any form of infringement of the user against this website, the user is obliged to take part in the relevant court proceedings, as well as to compensate the website in case he/she is obliged to pay compensation or other expenses.
All information contained in this website is provided “as is” and “as available”. Although every effort is made to ensure that the information provided is as accurate, complete, true, up-to-date and available as possible, the Municipality of Salamina does not guarantee the correctness and accuracy of these data, which the visitor uses at his/her own risk. The Municipality is in no case, including that of negligence, directly or indirectly liable for any claims of legal, civil and criminal nature or any (positive, special or negative) damage of the user/visitor of this website.
The Municipality of Salamina makes every possible effort for the proper functioning of its website, although it does not guarantee that the operations of its servers will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error and free of viruses or other similar elements. Therefore, the Municipality is not responsible for any interruption of the operation of its website and the services provided and for any form of damage caused to the user by this interruption.
The Municipality of Salamina does not manage the websites of third parties to which it refers through links (hyperlinks) or through advertising banners, is not responsible for their content and services and does not it guarantee their availability.
The links to other websites are provided for the convenience of the users of the website of the Municipality, without this implying any of the following:
(a) that it endorses or accepts the content or services of external websites;
(b) that it accepts any relationship with the owners of external websites;
(c) that it provides a guarantee as to the protection of personal data, the availability, quality, completeness or accuracy of the information and services contained in the websites of third parties or as to the security against transmission of viruses;
(d) that it takes responsibility for any misuse of the information contained on the external websites.
Therefore, for any problem that occurs during the visit/use of external websites, the user shall contact directly the respective websites and their owners, who are responsible in this respect. The Municipality of Salamina is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of links to other websites, as well as for the information that may be included in the websites of its links.
The website of the Municipality of Salamina may provide to the visitor/user of its services the opportunity to participate in various polls on current issues, which take the form of questions. The website “salamina.gr” outlines the specific conditions for participation in the polls and reserves the right to their termination. Answers submitted to poll questions are documented, analysed and commented on by the Municipality, in order to generate conclusions with reference the position of public opinion on the poll subject. The Municipality has the exclusive right to collect and exploit the above data and any conclusion drawn is its intellectual property.
The Municipality of Salamina is the sole owner of the information collected on this website. Any kind of personal data and any other information collected from the website “salamina.gr” are used exclusively for the processing of electronic services and in no case are sold, rented or in any way transmitted and/or disclosed to third parties. An exception is the case where the disclosure of the data exclusively to the competent authorities is required by an explicit provision of law. The website “salamina.gr” collects information from its visitors/users in various parts of the website.
The collection, processing and management of personal data from “salamina.gr” is subject to the terms of the website’s privacy statement and the relevant provisions of Greek and European law regarding the protection of the individual and protection of personal data (Law 4624/2019, Law 2472/1997, decisions of the Protection of Personal Data Committee Chairman, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, article 8 of Law 2819/2000, Law 2774/1999 and Community directives 95/46/ΕC και 97/66/ΕC). The visitor/user of the website “salamina.gr” retains all rights as outlined in Greek and European law as well as the rights to access, correct, add to and delete personal data.
In addition, the website “salamina.gr” is not responsible for the collection of personal data from the connected websites, which are not managed by the Municipality of Salamina. This privacy policy applies only to personal data collected, processed and managed by the “salamina.gr” website.
Minors may access the website only with the consent of their parents/guardians and are not required to disclose their personal information.
The website “salamina.gr” uses IP addresses (Internet Protocol) to draw statistical conclusions concerning the site traffic and management. The IP addresses are in no way linked to personal data of the visitor/user of the Municipality’s website.
The website “salamina.gr” takes all necessary measures to protect the security of visitor’s/user’s data. Personal information submitted by the visitor/user via the website is protected both online and offline.
The Municipality of Salamina reserves the right and the exclusive discretion:
a) to make additions, improvements and/or modifications to any information and/ or service and/or software provided on this website, without prior notice;
b) to cease the supply of any service and/or software, to refrain from publishing information on its website and to delete from it any information or material provided or placed by the user, at any time and with no prior notice, mainly but not exclusively for reasons of functionality, security or other necessary reasons;
c) to use the suggestions or information available from users in the terms it deems appropriate and within the legal context of use (as in the case of personal data protection).
This contract of use is governed by the provisions of Greek and international law, as well as by the directives and regulations of European Law.
It is interpreted on the basis of the rules of good faith, fair dealing and economic and social objectives.
In case a provision is deemed to violate the law and is, therefore, void or annullable, it is ex officio terminated and does not affecting any other term of the contract.
The Courts of Piraeus are competent for any dispute arising from this contract.
If you encounter any problems with the content of the site related to legal or ethical issues, please notify us by email at the e-mail address mail@0165.syzefxis.gov.gr, so that we proceed with their immediate response.